Spring Letter APRIL 15, 2019
To all electors of Idaho Irrigation District:
Currently, snow pack in the system is above normal. The Bureau of Reclamation is releasing water from the reservoirs this spring due to encroachment on the flood control rule curves for certain reservoirs. We have been recharging water in the Idaho Canal since April 2.
Water has now arrived or will soon arrive in your canal. We ask you not waste any water. Conservation of water will help reservoir carryover and make the resource last longer in a dry season. Our water is a precious resource, so plan your water schedules. Don’t over-water. The District is not responsible for delivery of water beyond the diversion point from the District canals.
Patrons are responsible to maintain and keep ditches clean and in good working order. Please see Idaho Statutes Title 42, Chapter 12 for reference. The District will not deliver water to you if your ditches are dirty and there is a risk of flooding. You are required to put all water to beneficial use and not waste water. On multiple use (shared) diversions you are required to work out a schedule to share the use of the ditch with respect to all the parties utilizing the common ditch. Please see Idaho Statutes Title 42, Chapter 13 for reference in the formation and operation of a Lateral Ditch Water Users’ Association.
A reminder that before any encroachment upon the District canals you must first obtain permission from the District. This includes trees and landscaping. For information please call Richard or contact Wendy at the District office.
The District hydroelectric project continues on. Nick Josten, of GeoSense, continues to work on our behalf with stakeholders and FERC. We have now completed the study process. We have filed our Draft License Application with FERC. We are working through the comment process and will continue to move forward with the FERC Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) process. We thank all of you for your support and ask that you encourage community leaders and everyone to support the project.
We are now online at www.idahoirrigationdistrict.com Please visit our website for information about the District. You can now place water orders online. We also plan to implement a District app in 2019. This will allow greater convenience in making water orders from your phone. We continue our notification system. We are sending out cell phone alerts and notifications of any situations that may affect the delivery of water. Please call the office if you wish to be placed on the alert list. All information is confidential and will not be provided outside the District.
We will be implementing our de-mossing program sometime around early to the middle of June. Regulating water flows and usage is essential to maximize our chemical de-mossing procedures. Please be advised that diversions will be turned off during the program. Text alerts will be sent out and notification will be on the water order phone line. De-mossing is expensive and your cooperation is essential in order for us to complete the procedure efficiently.
The District has updated our District By-Laws. This year, we will be working on an updating our Encroachment Policy, and creating a new tree policy. We continue to remove trees from our canal easements and will continue our canal mowing program. The Irrigation District wishes you and yours a wonderful summer! Thank you, Idaho Irrigation District
Alan D Kelsch, Merrill Hanny, David Christensen, Richard Lockyer, Wendy Hansen
Chairman, V. Chairman Treasurer Manager Secretary